Mike Rimmer

Nathalie Rives

Aurélie Rives-Feraille

Hooman Sadri-Ardekani

Jan-Bernd Stukenborg

Marianne D van de Wetering

Ans van Pelt

Myriam Safrai

Stefan Schlatt

Jen Shuttleworth

Christine Wyns

Claus Yding Andersen

Virginie Barraud Lange

Aude Braye

Kathleen Duffin

Cristina Eguizabal

Jill Ginsberg

Debra Gook

Ellen Goossens

Kirsi Jahnukainen

Sheila Lane

Rod Mitchell (co-ordinator)

Callista Mulder

Nina Neuhaus

Kyle Orwig

The ORCHID-NET consortium is composed of experts in male fertility preservation from institutions around the world.

We welcome new members and collaborations - if you are involved in research or clinical activities related to preserving fertility in young male patients, please get in touch.